How I Proceeded
I use the mantra ‘Samma Arahang’ (which means ‘purify the mind’) repeating silently three times at each key point, until resting my mind at the seventh base.
Representation of the Mara Conqueror
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms to 1,000,000 Monks
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms To 1,000,000 Monks From All Temples Nationwide For Celebrating the Lord Buddha’s 2,600th Enlightenment Day
A Different Point of Views
My oldest sister follows a different creed called “Sanya”. The members of this creed chant something different from Buddhist morning and evening chanting. They light candle when they start chanting, and put the candle off when they finish a sentence of a chant. They repeat the same routine until they finish chanting.
Author’s Preface
Buddhism is unique in teaching a way to overcome suffering, with its aim definitively to liberate oneself from the Cycle of Existence [vadda-samsara] thereby attaining the highest eternal happiness
Earth Day 2009 at Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand
Earth Day Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 Pra Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand. Casting of Personal Buddha Statues Ceremony & The Grand Assembly of more than 100,000 Buddhist Monks from 30,000 Temples across country.
Merit from Offering Drinking Water to the Lord Buddha
Dhamma for People. Merit from offering drinking water to the Lord Buddha.
Dhammadayada Tree Planting
With a joyful heart, the 8th International Dhammadayada planted the class tree according to Luang Phaw Dhammajayo’s reflection on July 16, 2010 in the ground beside the Dhammakaya Chapel
The Casting of the 7th Golden Statue of Luang Pu Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen
The Casting of the 7th Golden Statue of Luang Pu Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen. Luang Pu's disciple don't miss!!
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta for Pursuers of Perfection # 2
The Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta is one of the most important teachings for Buddhists to know. It is so important because it acts like a master-plan for all the subsequent teachings on Buddhism given during the Buddha’s lifetime